Beat Stalder
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
The first green pillar 3a foundation meets the highest environmental, social, and governance demands. Investments are restricted to A-rated securities. It is better than a conventional 3a account: many studies show that sustainable investments offer higher returns in the long run. With LibertyGreen you have a two-fold return: you profit financially, and you contribute to protecting the environment.
Thanks to our sustainability calculator, you can compare the effectiveness of your investments against the MSCI World Index. We source our sustainability data from MSCI ESG Research. MSCI ESG is the largest global provider of sustainability analyses and ratings in the environmental, social, and corporate governance fields.
The index published by MSCI covers some CD_Q_GR_MSCI_Unternehmen companies from CD_Q_GR_MSCI_Industrielaender industrialised countries. It is reputedly one the most important global stock indexes.
Because you can invest in individual securities and not only in mutual funds, you (firstly) protect the environment by investing in sustainable companies, at the same time (secondly), you save taxes and expensive fund management fees, and (thirdly) you can look forward to a care-free retirement.