
contracts with accountholders


affiliated companies


client assets



Liberty 1e Flex Invest Foundation

Liberty 1e Flex Invest is an independent collective foundation based in Schwyz. Its purpose is to provide extra-mandatory occupational benefits for employees and its affiliated companies. The Foundation maintains a separate pension fund for each affiliated employer, and a separate pension account and securities relationship for each member. Members may choose their own individual investment strategy. The Foundation is subject to supervision by the competent regulatory authority for foundations and BVG/LPP occupational benefit institutions and is listed in its register.

Your advantages

Tax optimisation within legal limits

Individual choice of strategy

Association solutions (AHV/AVS) for self-employed professionals

Personal consulting

Board of Trustees / Management

Donald Desax

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Josef Dittli

Member of the Board of Trustees

Alessandro Rizzi

Member of the Board of Trustees

Tania Sarbach

Member of the Board of Trustees

Beat Stalder

Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. rer. soc. oec. Philippe Strittmatter

Member of the Board of Trustees

Barbara Bienek

Chief Executive Officer